Services Provided

Chiropractic Care
The cornerstone of Dr. Emerson’s treatment is chiropractic adjustments. He utilizes a variety of adjusting techniques to ensure a comfortable and effective treatment, including Diversified, Thompson, Flexion-Distraction, and Activator. Traditional manual adjustments, instrument and table-assisted adjustments are also employed. As an adjunct to the adjustment, many patients enjoy electric stimulation, heat, or the intersegment traction (roller) tables. These methods are are well-documented, safe and effective.

Health + Wellness
With a goal to reduce pain and help improve overall health, Dr. Emerson works with each patient to explore the underlying reasons for pain. Work ergonomics, sleeping position, or exercise technique can often be factors. Also, vital nutrients may be lacking or certain foods may be getting in the way. Diet supplementation may be needed to take health to the next level. At Back to Active Chiropractic + Wellness, we use the highest quality supplements, specifically chosen to meet the needs of each patient.

Sports Rehab
Dr. Emerson has years of experience treating athletes – from weekend warriors to professionals – and can provide significant relief from pain due to injury or chronic condition. Also, recent surgeries may leave you with residual pain we can help address. Treatment is not limited to the spine – we also perform manual therapy, stretching and exercises for numerous injuries including the wrists, elbows, shoulders, knees, hips, and feet.

Car Accident Recovery
Have you recently been in a car accident? Are you feeling significant pain from whiplash or other injury and not sure what to do? Dr. Emerson helps patients recover with expert, gentle treatment – from acute injury through recovery. He is also an experienced resource in helping you understand the entire process after a car crash, including getting care, insurance carrier information you'll need, as well as advice if you need to consider legal counsel.